
My clients transform dramatically faster by engaging in one to one coaching.

I’ve coached hundreds of leaders, executives and entrepreneurs to transform beyond the upper limits of their current way of being in the world. Many of them felt like they had plateaued with a growing sense of dissatisfaction about their lives and work. Often they have a nagging feeling that, despite their achievements, something is missing.

I tap into three key activators of development. I think of them as growth rocket fuel:

Purpose: What you are here to do on this planet in this precious lifetime of yours? The thing that is yours uniquely to give? Find it and live it.

Presence: I help my clients expand beyond the narrow bandwidth of their logical left brained mind to cultivate an unshakable presence. At the same time they access a much greater range of the intelligences available to us.

Possibility: Most people think that the world is fixed and scarce. They are constrained by playing within a fixed set of limiting rules. I help my clients break out of these and show them that at any moment it’s possible to write our own.

You can reach me by emailing me at or click the button below.


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